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Dr Lingua

I've taken on sponsors for Dr Lingua

January 25, 2022
I've taken on sponsors for Dr Lingua post thumbnail

I started this site with big plans, but quickly ran into an issue of not being able to afford any of them. These plans include adding audio, a heap more games, and providing more of a structure for learning the basics on Japanese through playing…


Custom versions of Kana Beno opening into Hiragana or Katakana

October 16, 2017
Drag-n-drop Kana Bento split into Hiragana, and Katakana - Dr Lingua post thumbnail

I had a couple of requests to bypass the 'select' screen in Kana Bento (where the player picks Hiragana / Katakana / Romaji Kanas), and go straight into a specfic game. This is mainly for schools to be able to give a link to a specific game type. A…


Finding good Hiragana practice games online

September 28, 2017
Hiragana games online resources, finding good Hiragana Games - Dr Lingua post thumbnail

When I learned Hiragana, and was helping my kids learn Hiragana, I had a major gripe. I'm used to playing online games on a mobile device – either an iPad or an iPhone – not on a desktop. As for my kids, they never use a desktop. But it was super…


Flash is dead, so how do we make kids education games now? (hint, it's HTML5)

September 27, 2017
Making HTML5 Japanese educational games without Flash - Dr Lingua post thumbnail

One thing that really kicked this project off was me trying to find educational Japanese language games for my kids to play on their iPads. Sadly, almost all the games I could find online were Flash. Flash was awesome in it's day, and still has it's…


The web technologies behind Dr Lingua...

September 26, 2017
Phaser, React, Gatsby, Firebase, and more... Technology - Dr Lingua post thumbnail

I've chosen a little bit of a weird mix of technology to build this site, and think it deserves a little explanation for fellow geeks. I'll start with the focus of the site, and move backwards from there. Phaser The driving force for this site is to…


Why I started making educational Japanese language games for kids

September 20, 2017
Why I'm making kids Japanese language learning games - Dr Lingua post thumbnail

My oldest son, Toby, started Japanese 5 years ago. He's now almost 8. To help encourage his Japanese learning I made a Hiragana learning game, starring him, a couple of years ago. He loved it and it really helped peak his interest in Japanese. Ever…